[English] Borgo di Dio

Mar 30, 2012Community development

This is a project for the “protection and enhancement of historic, artistic and cultural heritage” that aims to restore and enhance common goods, such as the “Borgo di Dio”, Trappeto (Pa) and return them to their own communities . The activities planned in “Borgo di Dio” aim to promote a revival of learning and art, as well as economic development through respect of the territory and collective history. The “Borgo di Dio” project consists of an integrated initiative that operates on multiple levels, which recalls the past of the place and at the same time looks towards the future, thus building the future of the territory and the population through local social, cultural and economic growth opportunities. The three pillars – personal empowerment – empowerment of ideas – territorial empowerment – identified in the three macro-goals will be transversal to the entire project, lasting 24 months. The project has three main phases in chronological order and a transversal phase.

 Program: Fondazione con il Sud

Project duration: 01/04/2012 – 30/04/2014



  • Encouraging economic development through training and social inclusion of the local population of the targeted area. “Personal empowerment”;
  • Socio-cultural and artistic development of the area in question, involving the local community, individuals at risk of social exclusion and emerging artists in cultural events that include music, theater, workshops, painting and sculpture, photography and more. “Empowerment of ideas”;
  • Renovation and development of a building of great historical value, restoring its focal role in terms of social aggregation, cultural revival, economic development and tourism. “Territorial empowerment”.


  • Maieutic workshops
  • Theatre workshops
  • Emerging local theatre and music groups
  • Photography, painting, sculpture and writing exhibitions.
  • Fairs that valorise traditions and typical products of the area
  • Initiatives that are representative of the culture of migrants in the area.
  • Cleaning and recovery of parts of Borgo di Dio property
  • Campus training
  • Ticket window


  • Project coordinator; Centro per lo sviluppo Creativo D. Dolci
  • CESIE Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo
  • Associazione di promozione sociale Libera Palermo. Associazioni nomi e numeri contro le mafie
  • Municipality of Trappeto (PA)

Project detail



Anna Raspanti – anna.raspanti@danilodolci.org

Amico Dolci – presidente@danilodolci.org