EVS between present and future in Borgo di Dio

Dec 15, 2014Community development

workshop-europeo-borgodidioThe European workshop “Behind EVS: looking at the future” will be hosted in Borgo di Dio (Trappeto) next week.

The workshop will involve young volunteers who will take part in two European Volunteer Service projects coordinated by CESIE: Youth Mode and Able like you II.

Once again, the Borgo will breath international air hosting volunteers coming from six countries (Austria, Hungary, France, Moldova, Spain and Ukraine) at the end of their mobility experience at local level.

The workshop will gather young volunteers, mentors who have guided them during these months and people responsible for the European Volunteer Service committed in several formal and non-formal activities aimed at the evaluation of the experience of volunteering and of the nine months-learning path.

Different topics will be discussed, among which, expectations of young people arrived in Palermo, goals who have been reached, problems faced and the contribution given by the EVS to their personal, social and professional growth.

The suggestive scenery of Borgo di Dio will follow the participants through their reflection on the future, on how using their personal, civic and professional competences learned during the European Volunteer Service and on how fully endorsing their experience. In particular, among others matters, there will be a focus on intercultural, linguistic competences and interpersonal skills acquired in an hosting country and on how to get the most out of them for their professional future.

The workshop will also address different European Programs providing young people with possible job opportunities in both local and international context. In addition, the meeting will be a chance for promoting the role of Danilo Dolci and the Maieutic Approach.

For further information on the workshop please contact Valentina Lo Galbo valentinalogalbo@cesie.org or Roberta Lo Bianco mobility@cesie.org.