Cooperation, communication, peer support, understanding of differences, resilience, team building.
Educators working with migrant minors need to refined their competencies to address effectively their target. Non-formal education can be the perfect way to do it.
Training cycles will be organised in the next months by Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” and its partners in the project ROBIN – Reinforcing cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology. The trainers involved met in Palermo from the 23rd to the 25th November to finalise the program, the training modules developed and plan the second – fundamental – phase of the project.
The participants experimented some of the activities on which the training will be based: it will be addressed to educators working with migrants and it will cover the following thematic areas:
- Leadership and Motivation;
- Learning to learn;
- Emotional and physical health;
- Communication;
- Accepting differences;
- Building IT awareness;
- Building healthy relationships;
- The psychosocial games.
A first training course will be organised in March and will be open to 20 educators. Between April and October, other 5 training cycles will be held with a maximum of 100 beneficiaries.
The final objective of the project, funded by the Erasmus+ program, is to prevent the early school leaving of minors with a migrant background, reinforcing the personal, social, technical and methodological competences of the staff working with them, fostering their effective social integration.
Stay updated on the project’s activity or ask for further information writing a message to:
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