Panormus is a project against early school-leaving that provides innovative non-formal training programs that meet the needs of children and young people at risk of school failure, dropping out and social exclusion.
The intention is to support families and workers through socio-cultural growth training programs. . The duration is of 24 months. It will involve students from the three levels in workshop-type training, making a step towarsds individuals at risk of school failure and/or bullying as well as their families, disabled people, those at risk of marginalisation,and teachers.
The project aims to act on a systematic level in order to to renew cultural horizons through training of all those involved in the educational process of children and young people, moving away from a static idea of training with actions related to concepts of assimilation and tolerance. The aim is to enter into the concept of synergy of intervention; ongoing dialogue, inter-ethnic, intercultural and intergenerational exchange, and effective integration.
Programme: Fondazione con il Sud; Contrasto alla dispersione scolastica
Project duration: 01/05/2011 – 31/05/2013
- Experimentation with actions of social, didactic and cognitive scaffolding within a territorial network as support to the personal and social growth of the different people involved in the project (children, indigenous youth, immigrants, handicapped schoolchildren facing hardship and at risk of marginalization and school dropout, parents, teachers and association workers).
- Implementation of workshops in order to facilitate cognitive and emotional/affective development and contribute to construction of positive identity, in order to provoke changes in attitude and behavior towards legality and active citizenship, multicultural exchange, and respect for the environment and for nature.
- To favorise intergenerational interaction and integration in various contexts.
- Extracuricular workshop activities
- Extracuricular workshops for disabile and disadvantaged pupils.
- Internships and possibilità of alternating school and work.
- Training for parents;
- Adult training (Teachers, parents and workers)
- Training for trainers.
- Centro Internazionale delle Culture Ubuntu
- CESIE Centro Studi ed Iniziative europeo
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci
- Associazione Immagininaria
- Libera, associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le Mafie
- Associazione Volta la Carta
- A.S.D Atletica Berradi 091
- Cooperativa Palma Nana
Public sector:
- I.P.S.S.C.T.Einaudi;
- Scuola primaria F. Ferrara
- Con la partecipazione della Lega navale
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci