The kick-off meeting of the project PassionES-L was held on the 28th – 29th of November 2019 in Palermo (Italy). The project is funded by Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education.
Education and Training
Meet the enterprises and boost your future career: enrol now to YESS training!
Do you want to get an experience for your future career and enhance your knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Entrepreneurship? Enrol now to YESS training!
M-EASY: Maths as an empowerment tool for migrant and refugees
M-EASY’ aims and objectives are directly coherent with Adult Education sector priorities, improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual” and “Extending and developing educators’ competences”.
DECENT: Digital strategy against social esclusion and functional illiteracy
The DECENT project sets to reach out to low skilled adults who are at risk of social exclusion and adult education institutions in order to contribute to the improvement of their literacy and numeracy skills.
MYSTY: Digital Storytelling for Diversity Training in Schools
How to help students to improve their digital competences and, at the same time, civic and social skills? Digital storytelling is a simple but very effective tool to promote cultural diversity and intercultural skills both in students and in teachers.
The MyStory: Digital Storytelling Toolbox for Diversity Training in Schools third meeting was held in Palermo on 19 and 20 October 2017. The project partners met to share the results obtained so far and plan the next phases of the project.
Minority languages and workplace: great participation to COMBI conference in San Sebastian
Acquiring communication competences in the languages required in the workplace: some of the main topic discussed during the first COMBI project conference.
Towards a more inclusive society: OTHERNESS is going to start its last implementation year
From the 28th June to the 1st July 2017 the OTHERNESS partnership organized a Transnational meeting in Santarem (Portugal) in order to have an overview of the project activities implemented up to now and to decide the next steps to be taken.
FATI: Family trainers mobility in Hungary
FATI project partners met from May 27 to June 3, 2017 in Mezőberény, Hungary, for the last mobility of the project.
Fight radicalization among young people: START THE CHANGE training for trainers
The training for trainers of project START THE CHANGE – Embracing differences through intercultural education and volunteering took place in Zagreb (Croatia) from 12 – 16 June 2017, with the participation of 20 professional trainers.
MYSTY: Creating digital stories and sharing with European students
How could teachers support students in acquiring digital, civic and social skills? MYSTY second meeting took place from 21st to 23rd May in Graz (Austria).
“Passion for Learning” an innovative educational approach for schools
The kick-off meeting of the project PassionES-L was held on the 28th – 29th of November 2019 in Palermo (Italy). The project is funded by Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education.
Meet the enterprises and boost your future career: enrol now to YESS training!
Do you want to get an experience for your future career and enhance your knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Entrepreneurship? Enrol now to YESS training!
M-EASY: Maths as an empowerment tool for migrant and refugees
M-EASY’ aims and objectives are directly coherent with Adult Education sector priorities, improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual” and “Extending and developing educators’ competences”.
DECENT: Digital strategy against social esclusion and functional illiteracy
The DECENT project sets to reach out to low skilled adults who are at risk of social exclusion and adult education institutions in order to contribute to the improvement of their literacy and numeracy skills.
MYSTY: Digital Storytelling for Diversity Training in Schools
How to help students to improve their digital competences and, at the same time, civic and social skills? Digital storytelling is a simple but very effective tool to promote cultural diversity and intercultural skills both in students and in teachers.
The MyStory: Digital Storytelling Toolbox for Diversity Training in Schools third meeting was held in Palermo on 19 and 20 October 2017. The project partners met to share the results obtained so far and plan the next phases of the project.
Minority languages and workplace: great participation to COMBI conference in San Sebastian
Acquiring communication competences in the languages required in the workplace: some of the main topic discussed during the first COMBI project conference.
Towards a more inclusive society: OTHERNESS is going to start its last implementation year
From the 28th June to the 1st July 2017 the OTHERNESS partnership organized a Transnational meeting in Santarem (Portugal) in order to have an overview of the project activities implemented up to now and to decide the next steps to be taken.
FATI: Family trainers mobility in Hungary
FATI project partners met from May 27 to June 3, 2017 in Mezőberény, Hungary, for the last mobility of the project.
Fight radicalization among young people: START THE CHANGE training for trainers
The training for trainers of project START THE CHANGE – Embracing differences through intercultural education and volunteering took place in Zagreb (Croatia) from 12 – 16 June 2017, with the participation of 20 professional trainers.
MYSTY: Creating digital stories and sharing with European students
How could teachers support students in acquiring digital, civic and social skills? MYSTY second meeting took place from 21st to 23rd May in Graz (Austria).