Great success for the STEER project Info Day in Porto

Apr 10, 2017Education and Training

grande-successo-per-infoday-progetto-steer-portoThe first Info Day of the STEER – Supporting the Transition from Education to Employment of youth at Risk project was held on the 10th of March 2017 in Porto (Portugal).

More than 70 people including youth workers, unemployed youth, educators and industry experts attended the presentation of the first intellectual outputs of the STEER project.

All project partners – INNOVADE (Cyprus), Four Elements (Greece), Razvojni Center Srca Slovenije (Slovenia), Fundação da Juventude (Portugal), CATRO Bulgaria Eood (Bulgaria), Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” (Italy)- presented to an attentive audience the intellectual outputs they developed from the beginning of the project.

The Info Day was organised by Fundação da Juventude in its beautiful headquarter of Palácio das Artes in Porto. The Info Day was preceded by a meeting during which the partners of the STEER consortium discussed further development of the project and the next steps to complete the planned activities. In particular, the partners discussed IO3, namely the creation of the on-line platform and relating upcoming deadlines.

Next Info Days will be held in the rest of the partner countries at the end of May 2017. The final conference of the project will take place in late November 2017 in Cyprus.

In Porto CSC Danilo Dolci was represented by Dario Ferrante who presented during the Info Day the IO2 developed in the last months by CSC Danilo Dolci.