Apply for Kaleidoscope Grundtvig workshop

Dec 10, 2013Education and Training

PrintThere are still few places left for the Grundtvig workshop called “Kaleidoscope”, which will take place from the 10th to the 21st of May 2014 in Palermo. The workshop is organized by Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”.

The workshop is about new approaches and creative methods for the professionals working in the field of adult literacy and education adult literacy. Kaleidoscope is for teachers, tutors and trainers, staff involved in adults literacy education, former and unemployed teachers.

Main activities Programme

Kaleidoscope is a 10 – days workshop that engages multiple reflections and valorize different points of view of applying innovative approaches and artistic methods in adult literacy teaching. The workshop proposes a non-formal educational and multicultural learning activities that will offer to target groups knowledge about innovative and creative methods to be used in teaching literacy to adults and furthermore will stimulate in them awareness of the deeper meaning of basic education and so, of expressive and learning potential of adult learners. During the workshop participants will be guided by trainers through creative, artistic research (through Theatre of the Oppressed and Maieutic Theatre) and peer learning and this will be the integral part of the process that will lead to the creation of a theatre performance that will be realised in the surrounding where first maieutic workshops took place led by Italian sociologist Danilo Dolci. Finally, the workshop is based on the Four Pillars of Education presented by the “Learning: the treasure within” Report to UNESCO of the International Commission of Education for the 21st Century.

In order to apply, you will have to send us back the filled and signed application form together with your CV, within December 23rd 2013, to:

Dario Ferrante

Please before applying ready carefully pages 4/5 of the Application.

If you want to know more about Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, you can visit our website or contact us.