The MYSTY project – MyStory: Digital Storytelling Toolbox for Diversity Training in Schools aims to create innovative tools for pupils and teachers – specifically, digital storytelling – to share and introduce such teaching practice to enhance awareness on diversity within the school environment. The project – funded by the program Erasmus + – Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships | Schools – has a partnership of universities, schools and non-governmental organizations with experience in the development of skills and methodologies in education. Specifically, the MYSTY project partners are:
- University Of Gloucestershire LBG – UK (Coordinator).
- BG Georgigasse (Graz International Bilingual School) – Austria.
- Universitaet Graz – Austria.
- Baross Gábor Általános Iskola Tanulóiért Alapítvány – Hungary.
- Rogers Személyközpontú Oktatásért Alapítvány – Hungary.
- Centro Per Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci – Italy.
- Istituto Magistrale Statale “Regina Margherita” – Italy.
- St Edward’s School – UK.
Through collaboration among all members of the partnership, the project will allow the sharing and dissemination of stories related to migration and the experience of the otherness through the use of digital storytelling by teachers and pupils of the schools involved.
On the 12th and 13th of December 2016, the kick off meeting between the partners has been held in Cheltenham (United Kingdom), hosted by the project coordinator, the University of Gloucestershire. The meeting was an opportunity to get an overview of the work of the early months of the project, which laid the basis for the development of the various products foreseen: 1) Development of curricular integration methodologies; 2) Pupil Guide for Digital Storytelling; 3) Digital stories for social inclusion; 4) Digital Storytelling Toolbox, for the implementation of digital storytelling in schools.
The next MISTY project meeting will be in May 2017, in Austria.
For more information, please contact