Is reading your passion and you would like to discover how to promote it through non-formal approaches? Would you like to learn new methods and activities to work with young people and involve them in reading? Do you live or work in the area of Palermo and/or work with young people at risk of social exclusion and early school leaving? We are looking for people like you!
Within the project READ – Reducing social Exclusion through a creative approach to reADing, the Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” organizes a training course on non-formal education and creative activities to promote reading among young people. The training course will take place from the 19th to the 25th of March 2017 in Palermo. There will be youth workers and young people from Italy, Austria, Slovenia, India and Kenya. It will be an enriching experience to share your passion for books with people from other countries and to exchange experiences, good practices and knowledge.
The training course foresees sessions on: non-formal education and approaches; information on the state of art of reading diffusion in the partner countries; creative activities to re-interpret books; sharing good practices on how to promote pleasure towards reading among young people.
After this training course, you could participate to the local educational activities with young people that will allow you to put in practice what you have learned during the course. The local activities will be implemented in each partner country by three local teams composed by youth workers and young people interested in the project’s topics. The local teams will participate to a contest and the members of the winning team could have the opportunity to participate in the final workshop and festival in Wien (Austria).
The READ project involves five organizations from three continents (Europe, Africa, Asia): CSC “Danilo Dolci” (Italy); AMADEUS Association (Austria); RIS Dvorec Rakičan (Slovenia); International Transformation Foundation (Kenya); JRP (India). The aim of the project is to promote reading among young people through creative local activities, the involvement of educators, artists, youth centres, schools and libraries. The local activities will help youngsters in developing their motivation towards reading by interpreting books through arts (photography, theatre, drawing, etc.).
READ – Reducing social Exclusion through a creative approach to reADing is co-funded by the European Commission through Erasmus+, Capacity Building for Youth.
To sign up and have more information on the training course, send an email to
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