EPIC: Language Communication Audit Training held in Palermo

Nov 25, 2014Employment and Employability

epic-lcaThe Center for Creative Development Danilo Dolci held a training in Language Communication Audit as part of the „Enhancing International Business Communication EPIC 2013-1-PL1LEO05-37888“ project. The course took place on 5-6 November, 2014 in the city center of Palermo and was led by Prof Stephen Hagen, Emeritus Professor of Multilingual Business Communication, and Peter Zoltan, Communication expert and consultant from Hungary.

In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, the fourteen selected participants were eager to learn about the ways for improving the communication strategies of local exporting companies. After two days of intensive and interactive exchange of knowledge and experience, the course was marked as a success due to the enriching element for all, both trainees and trainers. Participants were introduced into different Language Management Strategies, ways to increase and improve their inter-cultural skills and of course, to the process of the LCA, while during the practical part they were invited to work in groups for increasing the flow of new ideas and to participate in various simulations on the different steps during the Language Communication Audit.

The deadline for the 20 LCA audits was decided for the end of December.