On EPALE platform an interview on SAMIN project

May 6, 2016Integration and inclusion, News

On EPALE platform an interview on SAMIN projectAn interesting interview with Alessandra Santoianni, coordinator of the SAMIN project was published on the 26th of April 2016. Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” was a partner in the project. The interview was published on the important EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) platform edited by the European Commission, and dedicated to education for adults in Europe. Alessandra Santoianni works at Les Cemea Rhone-Alpes in Grenoble who coordinated the SAMIN project, which lasted two years. SAMIN started with the idea of expanding a previous project, initially tested in seven German cities, to the six participating countries. The project ran from 2013 to 2015, and was funded under the Transfer of Innovation action of the Lifelong Learning Programme.

It aimed to tackle exclusion, improve the quality of education services and bridge the gap between different stakeholders working on the access of vulnerable migrants to vocational education and training.

You can read the interview with Alessandra Santoianni on SAMIN project by clicking here.

For further information on the project, please visit CSC Danillo Dolci official page dedicated to SAMIN.

On the web page you will find important resources such as the Methodological Handbook (IT) and the Gap Analysis (EN).

If you work for the employment of migrants, then SAMIN project is for you.