To understand what are the main obstacles to the inclusion of migrants in the world of vocational training and work to try overcome them. This is the purpose of the first two core products of the project SAMIN- Supporting VET by approaching ethnic minorities, now available for free download: the Gap Analysis and the Methodological Handbook. These two precious manuals will help organizations involved in the vocational integration of migrants, training professionals and all those who are interested in the issue of discrimination in the workplace to best develop new initiatives in this area.
In particular, the Gap Analysis puts together the experiences of training projects from the various countries involved in the project (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and United Kingdom). For Italy we studied the vocational training projects carried out by Associazione Santa Chiara, Centro Astalli and the Alkhantara project. The Methodological Handbook includes work methodologies and good practices which have been studied during the first phase of the project.
The two manuals are available for download here:
For further information, please contact Dario Ferrante: