Supporting VET by approaching ethnics minorities
Ref No. 2013-1-FR1-LEO05-48190
Project’s presentation
SAMIN-Supporting VET by approaching ethnic minorities is a Transfer of Innovation project funded by the European Commission in the framework of LLP Leonardo da Vinci.
The necessity of SAMIN project is rooted in the discriminatory processes existing in VET and, more broadly, in the labour market of several EU Member States. These practices prevent not only a deep integration of migrants and a full recognition of their skills, but also the opportunity of accessing the labour market.
SAMIN core content consists in transferring the achievements of a successful national project, developed in Germany, to other sector and countries. The project which inspired SAMIN is called FIBA: it had a strong impact in German labour market by offering training services to young Turkish migrants.
SAMIN will explore national projects , focused on the integration of people with a migration background, in VET and labour market. By comparing national indicators, the project will develop specific guidelines for VET providers, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders in order to foster the access of people with migration background to both VET and labour market .
The added value of this project and its most innovative features lie in establishing a common framework composed of successful factors which have been tested on a national basis, that are likely to be successful also on a wider European level.
- contribute to solve the problem of discrimination of individuals with a migration background, occurring in the VET sector
- stimulate and enrich the public debate on VET access for migrants.
- promote the successful solutions of the national projects dealing with the integration of people with a migration background in VET and labour market;
- promote “methodological” tools for enhancing the participation of young people with a migration background in VET, labour market and society
- successfully transfer the project’s results and influence the implementation of education related policies at a local, national and European level;
- brochure containing a deep analysis of 18 national projects, aimed at integrating migrants in VET and labour market;
- methodological handbook featuring best practices and approaches that may increase migrants’ participation in VET;
- learning website;
- publication on a strategy of interaction with stakeholders involved in migrants integration in VET.
- testimonial video and a handbook in order to stimulate public interest and reflection.
Date of the Project: 1/10/2013-30/9/2015
- CEMEA-Centre d’Entraînement aux Méthodesd’Education Active (FR)
- ESTA Bildungswerk (DE)
- BFI OÖ-Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberösterreich (AT)
- EURICON- European Innovation Consultancy and Network (NL)
- MEH- Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK)
- CSC- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” (IT)
Programme: Lifelong Learning programme -Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral project- Tranfer of Innovation (TOI);
Dario Ferrante
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, Via Roma, 94 – 90133 Palermo, Italia
Tel. +39 0916177252
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.