UPS – Unused potentials of senior migrants / Experts for lifeUPS

Sep 19, 2012Integration and inclusion

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.UPSThe project UPS – Unused potentials of senior migrants / Experts for life – aim is to address, select and qualify senior migrants for their future field of activity and the development of a self-help guide. Non-natives and migrants must get along in a new world, in a different society and in a different milieu. On the one hand elderly migrants feel useless and suffer from social isolation since their talents and competences are not being used, but are now willing to face up to new tasks. On the other hand many migrants need help urgently, preferring to get help from their own culture groups rather than from “strangers”. UPS has trained more than 100 elderly migrants of different migrant milieus to qualified senior migrants, taking over the bridging function to migrants of specific milieus that need help in diverse areas of their lives. These senior migrants have been selected with the help of a specially developed selection procedure and trained within 10 days using an innovative training programme, in which every partner has had a special expert role. The qualified senior migrants will do social networking in the partner countries, amongst other things via cooperation with migrants’ self-help organisations, local authorities, integration agencies and charities. Their target is to gain direct access to migrants needing help and to disseminate the concept of UPS. A final practical handbook is going to be published and spread all over Europe. It is addressed to adult education institutions and other institutions training potential future senior migrants, integration agencies,  migrants’ self-help organisations, local authorities, interested people with migration background wanting to work voluntary as senior migrants to help other migrants in need. The handbook will be available in English, German, Greek, Finnish, Lithuanian and Italian. For more information please visit:

Lifelong Learn

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.