AMW in Greece: learning materials for migrant women finalized and flexible to different learning needs

Sep 9, 2019News

On the 2 and 3rd of September 2019, the AMW partnership came together for their fourth international meeting. This time, the meeting was held in Athens, organized by Hellenic American College (HAEC).

The AMW-project, which aims to develop and test training materials to help migrant women to achieve their full potential in the labour market or as entrepreneurs, has started its last 6 months of implementation. The meeting was a good check point to see how the project and the results have developed over the last 2 years, as well as to see how to engage employers in the project, the next and last step foreseen by the project.

During the meeting, the partners discussed and exchanged their experiences from the second round of piloting. In the last 6 months, all partners have been actively involved in piloting activities. The AMW-training materials and the AMW- career circle materials have been optimized and tested, and all materials will be available on the website in all partner languages by the beginning of next year (2020). As it turned out, the different partners have worked with very different kinds of migrant women during each respective piloting which will result in an enrichment of the learning materials and a training that is adaptable to different learners. All materials are on the platform, which is now also open for women and employers who are interested in the materials. For more information and access, please write to or look at the project’s website:

As the project is going to its end, the final phase will include a completion of all materials, the promotion of the platform, the final events in the form of open space conferences in all partner countries, and the guide for employers. This final output of the project consists of guidelines and information for employers in order to increase the recruitment of migrant women. The guide will give a voice to the migrant women who participated in the project as well as give practical and useful information about the situation of migrant women and ways to increase the diversity by hiring migrant women. The final conference in Italy will take place in January 2020.

To keep up to date with the latest developments of the AMW project, please keep an eye on the Facebook page.


Advancing Migrant Women is financed by the Erasmus + KA2 – strategic partnership VET.

The partnership consists of 5 organizations:

To keep updated with the project’s progress, please follow us on Facebook or visit the project’s website. Or contact