Antimafia: Valeria Grasso and Danilo Dolci youngsters’ redemption

Dec 17, 2013News

Antimafia: Valeria Grasso e il riscatto dei ragazzi di Danilo DolciAt Aula Rostagno of Palazzo delle Aquile the theme of the two-days event foreseen for Thursday 17th and Wednesday 18th of December was presented. This event will be held at Valeria Grasso’s Gym “Free Life” (via Matteo Dominici 27/D, Palermo), and it is promoted by Humanistic and linguistic high school “Danilo Dolci” of Brancaccio, in collaboration with several organizations such as “Cittadinanza per la Magistratura”, “Legalità è libertà”, “Liberisempre”, “Radio100 Passi” and  the Church of San Gaetano in Brancaccio. The press conference saw the intervention of Valeria Grasso herself,  whose story inspired the students to organize this event, that will involve the mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando. He will inaugurate the initiative (at 10 o’ clock of Thursday, December 10th) in  order to start a series of cultural moments full of debates and reflections together with politicians and magistrates such as Francesco Del Bene, Alessandra Puglisi, Sonia Alfano, Fabrizio Ferrandelli, Vincenzo Liarda etc. Among the events, photographic exhibitions, book presentations, concerts and more.

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