Informative stands, photographs, music and food coming from all over the world. The celebration of Sicilian associations will be held in the very heart of the University of Palermo, over a day aimed at promoting projects and initiatives. Arranged by Congass, the NGOs and Solidarity Associations Coordination which includes CESIE as a founding member, the Cooperation Exhibition will take place on Thursday, 19th June, starting from 6 p.m, at the Faculty of Economics.
The 14 involved associations will have the chance to present their work and promote the activities related to fair trade, ethical consumption and social business. In addition to NGOs’ stands, there will be also a space for the photographic exhibit “Southern exhibit!”, gathering all the images coming from the experiences of university students during their travels arranged by Al Janub association. During the afternoon there will be music, thanks to the performances offered by Centro Arti e Culture Tavola Rotonda starting from 7 p.m. Furthermore, it will take place a “fair” aperitivo, with a food tasting included, arranged by Cucina Senza Frontiere.
Born out of the idea that international solidarity and decentralised cooperation should be put into the foreground by creating a network of different competences, specializations and project plannings, Congass aims at valuing the culture of cooperation amongst NGOs in Sicily, as it occurs in other Italian regions. This initiative represents a great showcase for all the associations, since it will allow them to illustrate future opportunities related to new projects and foster the dialogue about cooperation.