FATI: Increasing social workers skills to support families at-risk

Jul 11, 2018News

Increasing the skills of the social workers who support families at-risk such as single-parent families or families from disadvantaged areas: this is the main aim of FATI, Family Trainer International – network to empower families at risk and single parents.

FATI partners met from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July 2018 in Krakow (Poland) to discuss the final steps of the project which is coming to its end in August 2018. In Krakow the consortium reviewed the project activities since its beginning and evaluated the IOs produced by the partners. In particular, the partners discussed the Handbook which is the final product of FATI containing methods and approaches to work with families at risk and single parents. One important topic was also the organization of an international conference in Brussels in April 2019 when FATI consortium will present its political guidelines to the European MPs and will lobby the European Commission in order to set family as an important priority in the next 7 years of EU funding.


FATI project lasted three years and it is funded by the Erasmus + programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership in the field of adult education with the main aim to increase the individual skills of social workers who support policies for families at risk such as single-parent families or families from disadvantaged areas.


The project brings together 6 partners from 6 European countries:

For information about the project, please contact Dario Ferrante: dario.ferrante@danilodolci.org.