We would like to share the final result of the project LEAP – Learn to participate (Erasmus + – KA2: Strategic Partnership | Youth): the “Youth Participation Charter and principles related to the application of the PBL methodology“.
This output is divided in two parts: Part A – which is this actual document – which is an introduction to the development of the final format, a Charter, whose main goal is to advocate for the grounding values around youth participation and active citizenship, promoted during LEAP lifetime.
The second part – the Part B – is an audio-visual guideline on Project Based Learning (PBL) as well as some testimonials of young people who participated to the project activities in local and international level.
Finally, we would also like to share the report that shows the main results behind the development of the product and the methodology used to collect the information that allowed us to develop both the Charter and the video. The report presents several phases of implementation of the activities with young people who – despite encountering several difficulties during the pandemic – were involved through different local activities and an international virtual exchange with young people from Austria, Italy and Croatia.
For more information, please contact Bala Ram Gaire: balaram.gaire@danilodolci.org.