Building youth workers’ skills to implement mental health programmes

Feb 15, 2023News

How can youth workers help young people facing mental health problems? What do we need to know about young people today? These are just a few questions to which youth workers can find answers to during the LETsTALK project training.

During a 2-day meeting, the 7th and 8th of February in Novi Sad, the project partners had the opportunity to review together everything needed for the mental health training with young people and youth workers that they are preparing.

The next training will take place in Rijeka between March 6th and 10th and is aimed at youth workers and young people. On this occasion 32 participants from Serbia, Greece, Italy and Croatia will come together to improve their skills on mental health and youth work.

Five days of training will allow youth workers to learn how to better address the mental health issues that youth have, what problems today’s youth struggle with, how to communicate with the youth, learn more about the types of relationships, and much more.

All materials developed for the training will be available online for further use. To stay up-to-date visit and contact Katarina Vuksan:

LETSTALK – DEVELOPING GENDER SENSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM FOR YOUNG PEOPLE is a project financed by the program ERASMUS+KA: Cooperation partnerships in youth, and wants to strengthen the capacity of youth workers in supporting young peoples’ mental health with focus on gender sensitive approach to mental health issues.


For further information read the project factsheet and visit the website

Contact Katarina Vuksan: