The first round of testing of the MOOC on TBLT has been successfully concluded, preparing participants with the skills, knowledge and confidence to prepare a language lesson using the TBLT method.
Between October and December, CSC Danilo Dolci has successfully completed the first cycle of TANDEM training on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). The main aim of the training is to teach participants how to use the TBLT method for teaching their mother languages and put this into practice by making their own lesson plan and language lesson.
TBLT – or Task-Based Language Teaching, is a methodology that is used in language teaching and learning in which the teacher prepares a lesson in such a way that students will have to use their already existing language capabilities to do the exercises. Communication is key in this regard, and activities are all about conveying meaning: an activity is successfully completed if the person that you try to talk to, understood what you meant. It is like learning a language when you move to a new country with a language that you don’t speak, and you have to use anything that you have to make yourself understandable.
Do you want to know more about TLBT? You can watch this interview with a language teacher to explain it perfectly:
The training at CSC was divided into two parts: participants alternated self-study on the online MOOC platform through videos and activities, with practical face-to-face sessions. During the last two sessions, the students had the opportunity to plan and implement their own lesson using the newly-learned TBLT methodology, in a so-called Mock-class.

The first mock class took place at Centro Astalli, a refugee centre, co-organised by two participants. The class was about organizing a meal for a picknick. The third participant organised a Spanish mock class completely independently, in which her students learned how to introduce themselves in Spanish. Both classes were extremely well structured and the students involved really enjoyed and learned from them, which means that both were very successful.
Furthermore, on December 13th, CSC Danilo Dolci organised a language café at Ciwara, an African restaurant in the heart of Palermo. It was a possibility for languages and cultures exchanges and the rich background of the participants allowed to exchange Bambara, Pula, Arabic, English, Italian and Dutch, as well as to present the TANDEM project to new possible participants.
Would you also like to learn the basics of language teaching? Would you like to test yourself as a language teacher and introduce your mother tongue to others? Sign up for a TANDEM course online and follow our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out on any updates!
TANDEM – TAsk-based laNguage teaching anD collaborative lEarning for upskilling Migrants is cofinanced by Erasmus+ programme | KA2 Innovation.
- Coordinator: Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” – Italy
- Active Citizens Partnership – Greece
- COMPASS – Austria
- CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD – Cyprus
- Iberika Education Group GGMBH – Germany
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