Digital technologies in vocational training and counseling: all the results of OCCAY

Jan 31, 2024News

In the digital age, it is more important than ever to adapt career counseling and training services to the needs of the population by making wise use of technology. OCCAY over the past two years has supported career counseling organizations in integrating digital into their working approach so that they offer modern, inclusive, and high-quality online services to users.

The project, in accordance with the Digital Education Action Plan of the European Commission, therefore developed an intuitive and accessible tool to spread the use of technology among those working in institutions and in the field of career counseling. It was the result of two years of research, data collection, interviewing counseling professionals and designing digital tools tailored to their needs. It now concludes OCCAY’s journey, which over the past two years has achieved brilliant results.

Resources developed by OCCAY

  • OCCAY Self-Assess­ment Grid: An online self-assessment tool addressed to career counsellors based on DigComp 2.0 to support them in understanding their level of digital skills. The self-assessment grids was developed according to DigComp 2.0, which have been designed to assess digital competences. The grid includes playful elements, interactive quizzes and integrates new evaluation methods. The contents are specifically tailored to career counsellors and their educational background. It examines personal attitudes towards digitalization, the frequency and type of digital media used in daily work, the distribution of working hours, particularly with regard to gaining new digital skills, the number of training courses already attended in this field and possible obstacle of using virtual technical applications for counselling services.
  • OCCAY Hybrid Flexi Course for career counsellors: modular system based on the digital competence framework. Flexible six modules in the areas of information & data literacy, communication & collaboration, digital content creation, safety and problem solving can be attended independently in order to meet your individual learning needs. The content is based on the suitability for everyday use and the practical relevance in career guidance.
  • OCCAY Online Counselling Tool: It is an online platform which puts together 4 areas related to Online Counselling: communication, information, work tools and counselling tools. The platform provides counsellors all-in-one approach to make the collaboration between counsellor and client more flexible and the different functions that are used according to the individual needs of the client.
  • OCCAY Strategy handbook for vocational and educational institutions: The OCCAY Strategy Handbook methodology is based on existing European frameworks and benchmarking tools. It includes Benchmarks for applying digital technologies in educational and career counselling organisations. The Step-by-step guidelines are designed to provide managers of career organizations with practical solutions on how to integrate digital technologies into their services and work life.
  • OCCAY Policy recommendation for hybrid career counselling on the decisionmaker level: The Recommendations are meant to facilitate the incorporation of digital solutions in the everyday practice of career counsellors and contribute to the professionalization of guidance practitioners in the context of digital skills. The recommendations are addressed to the representatives of public authorities in the European Union member states who are responsible for the development of policies and strategic documents regulating the field of career guidance and counselling.

The project achievements

  • The OCCAY was selected as part of the European Year of Skills as one of the inspiring skills stories by The European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion. This makes us one of 58 projects in Europe selected in 2023 as part of the European Year of Skills. Read the article!
  • Project impact across 5 european countries: OCCAY impact on career counseling spans five european countries, reaching over 590 career counsellors from 23 nations. Through our Hybrid Flexi Course, 330 individuals enhanced their digital skills across six modules.

OCCAY- ONLINE CAREER COUNSELLING ACADEMY is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union Erasmus + under Key Action 2, Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training. OCCAY aims to develop an inclusive and modular tool that builds on the lessons of the pandemic and makes education and training more suitable for the digital age.


For further information visit the project website and follow us on FacebookLinkedin and Instagram.
