From the 25th to 29th of June 2019, the first Capacity Building meeting of the project PRIORITY (Promotion Open Resilient Inclusive Societies for Youth) was held in Larissa (Greece).
Participants from 4 partner countries Kainotomia (Greece), Centro per lo sviluppo creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy), MV International (Italy) and ASSIST Software (Romania), Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. ( Germany) had the opportunity to be trained and actively participate in order to design and build spaces (PRIORITY HUBS) for young people.
The objectives of the meetings in Larissa were;
- How to design a PRIORITY Hub.
- How to make it a sustainable and successful space.
- What to incorporate inorder to learn how to work well with others.
- Cross-sectoral cooperation, strategic networking, global community approach, leadership and team management workshops and volunteer management.
- Strengths and weaknesses of each sector.
- How to design a youth inclusion strategy and discover which skills are required to be developed in order to successfully include them. (Intercultural dialogue, active listening, coaching, non-formal education, etc.)
There are three Capacity Buildings foreseen by the project and they have the following objectives;
- To favour the development of strategies to prevent marginalization and radicalization through artistic, sports and non-formal method activities.
- Developing cooperation between youth workers in the implementation of inclusion activities.
- To disseminate knowledge and good practice at local, national and European level.
The next one will take place in Palermo in the CSC Danilo Dolci headquarters. The theme will be... 'How to become a PRIORITY Hub superhero.' Stay Tuned!
PRIORITY is a project funded by Erasmus + – KA3: Social inclusion through education, training and youth and has a duration of 3 years (31/01/2019 – 30/01/2022).
- Jugend-&Kulturproject – coordinatore (Germania)
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italia)
- ASSIST Softwer SRL (Romania)
- MV International (Italia)
- Kainotomia (Grecia)
Contact : CSC: