PRIORITY: Take part in the Social Inclusion Workshop

Aug 6, 2020News

What is Social Inclusion for us?

It is Art, Culture, Sport, Volunteering, Civic Education

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci within the project PRIORITY PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTies for Youth organizes a workshop of 3 meetings with the aim to start a training path that actively involves young migrants and not (between 18 and 30 years old) who want to make new experiences, establish new friendships and learn about different methodologies of social inclusion and active citizenship.

The workshop will deal with the theme of Volunteering and Civic Education as a tool for social inclusion:

The workshop will be alternated from indoor training moments to outdoor events and experiences thanks to the collaboration with the festival “Marina di Libri”. By participating in this workshop, you will have the opportunity to be trained to become a volunteer/volunteer of the festival and actively participate in this wonderful experience.

The main purpose of these meetings will be to team up, get to know each other and participate together!

Do you want to join the workshop? Sign up by filling in this form

You have time by August 31, 2020

Calendar of meetings:

The 3 meetings will be scheduled in the first weeks of September in the afternoon.


At the Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, Palermo, Via Roma 94

Outdoor activities will be communicated during the training with different times and days from the workshop.

We are waiting for you! 

For any clarification you can contact


Phone number