START THE CHANGE: Training for Trainers to prevent radicalization

Nov 22, 2017News

START THE CHANGE: Training for Trainers to prevent radicalizationHow to support teachers in raising awareness to the respect of diversity and  multiculturalism to prevent radicalization?

Within the framework of Start the Change – Embracing Differences through Intercultural Education and Volunteering project, a training for middle and high school teachers took place between November 13th and 17th in Palermo.

The participants to the training were teachers from several schools from Palermo and its province:

  • Liceo Scientifico “Ernesto Basile”;
  • Liceo Scientifico Statale “Stanislao Cannizzaro”;
  • I.S. Damiani Almeyda-Crispi;
  • Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele;
  • C.S. “Mattarella-Bonagia”;
  • I.S. “Orso Mario Corbino”, Partinico.

Organized and conducted by the Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, the traning was conceived to provide participants with several non formal education tools on various themes such as human rights, democracy, conflict management, emotions and relationships, which they will later be able to implement with their students.

At the end of the training, teachers received the Start the Change handbook and toolkit, which include an overview of the contents related to the project, a collection of activities and workshops useful for class application and for the elaboration of the students’ own peace-building projects, which will constitute the next step of the project’s implementation.

START THE CHANGE aims to fight the radicalization among young people, a process that has to start as soon as in the primary and secondary schools. In order to deal with this issue, START THE CHANGE will organize a large-scale coordinated action that foresees the participation of 40 schools, 110 teachers, and 2000 youngsters across 4 European countries.

The project partnership consists of four organizations around Europe:

Take a look  at the project website:

For further information please contact Trang Dang at