Description of the project
The European Neighbourhood Policy-East countries showed strong differences in the unemployment rate by age, which was also the case in the European Union. The unemployment rate of people aged 15–24 years was at least twice as high as for persons aged 25–74 years in all ENP-East countries (ENP–East countries, Youth statistics, Eurostat, 2014). In the EU-28, at 23.4 %, more than one out of every five young persons in the labour force was not employed (Unemployment statistics, Eurostat, 2014).
As nowadays knowledge is the most strategic source and learning is the most strategic process, the Training Course will be carried out with the aim to provide youth worker with the ready-to-use methods on how to assist youngsters with the competences needed to become integrated into and empowered to the knowledge-based society.
As young people are a priority for EU’s social vision, and the current crisis compounds the need to sustain the young human capital (Eurostat), the Training Course’s vision of development of young human & social capital lies in unfolding creativity, entrepreneurial & innovative culture and “can-do” attitude.
All activities are carried out through the non-formal and informal methodologies, as Reciprocal Maieutic Approach, Creative Thinking and Learning through arts. Theoretical sessions will be integrated and performed in an interactive way.
- Boosted understanding of the knowledge-based society & knowledge-based economy, human and social capital, sustainable/inclusive/smart growth;
- Obtained ready-to-use methods on the coping with creativity, entrepreneurial & innovation culture and “can-do” attitude;
- Re-affirmed RMA method for further applying at the work with youngsters;
- Proved essential role of developed young human & social capital;
- Improved quality and increased volume of cooperation among the partner organisations from EU and Eastern Partnership countries;
- Shared experiences/best practices in the realm of tackling youth unemployment/use of social capital;
- Disseminated information on the EU current programmes and the European Year of Development 2015.
- Coordinatore: Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” (Italy)
- European Umbrella for Youth (Greece)
- Fundacja Wspierania Rozwoju Innowacji i Kreatywnosci “InnCrea” (Poland)
- ESCOLA PROFISSIONAL DO MONTIJO – Associação para a Formação Profissional e Desenvolvimento do Montijo (Portugal)
- Hogeschool Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- Sistem ve Jenerasyon Dernegi (Turkey)
- Democratic Youth Public Union (Azerbaijan)
- Modern Youth Public Union (Azerbaijan)
- Student-Youth Council (Georgia)
- Europe Our House (Georgia)
- All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Co-operation Alternative-V (Ukraine)
- Centrul pentru Recuperare, Reabilitare si Educatie Speciala (Romania)
- Asociación Building Bridges (Spain)
- Centre for Regional Development STABILITY (Moldavia)