CAREM – Collaborative Art-Making for Reducing Marginalization

The project

CAREM – Collaborative Art-Making for Reducing Marginalization

Project Number


01/01/2012 – 30/11/2014

Funding institution

DG EAC, Education and Training, Lifelong Learning Programme – Comenius Multilateral


Info & contacts

Social Media

Description of the project

CAREM is a project aiming at developing and disseminating good practices of teaching based on the Collaborative art-making method in order to foster intercultural education, reduce social marginalization and promote European Citizenship in the school contexts. The project provides for the development and trial of developing and testing educational activities, pedagogical materials and strategies based on making art in a participative and collaborative way.

The activities are tested and adapted in each partner country, with the collaboration of students and teachers of primary and lower secondary schools actively involved in the project. In this framework, training for teachers are arranged and support material are provided to try out the new tools learnt during the training.


  • Development of educational activities based on Collaborative art-making
  • Local training course for teachers of primary and lower secondary school
  • Support to teachers in testing the new tools learnt during the training


  • Educational material
  • Booklet of activities
  • Didactic guide for teachers
