Culturitalian: the art of learning Italian through cultural diversity

The project

Culturitalian: the art of learning Italian through cultural diversity

Project Number


09/06/2011 – 19/06/2011

Funding institution

DG EAC, Education and Training, Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig Multilateral


Info & contacts

Social Media

Description of the project

The workshop involves 20 adult learners aged over 30 and coming from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds from 11 European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey. The main objective is to help the participants to learn the Italian language in a non-formal, intercultural and creative way, as well as to support the discovery of Italian and Sicilian culture and traditions through intercultural interaction.


  • Intercultural workshops, interactive group building and linguistic workshops
  • Language games, cultural visits of the Sicily’s sights, movie projection, interview with the radio promoters oriented to the learning of Italian language and culture


  • Spread of non-formal methodologies of language learning
  • Promotion of intercultural dialogue as a learning instrument