EDEC – Extending and Developing adult Educators’ Competences

The project

EDEC – Extending and Developing adult Educators’ Competences

Project Number


31.12.2018 to 31.10.2020

Funding institution

Erasmus+; KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for adult education


Info & contacts


Social Media

Description of the project

EDEC is an Erasmus + project (Key Action 2: strategic partnership | Adult), aiming at broadening both access to and the available educational offer for people with lower qualifications or low-skilled through the development of competences among adult education specialists (such as employment counselors, adult educators, career advisors, coaches, etc.).

The Project will contribute to development of state-of-the-art comprehensive methods of working with adult learners which will translate directly into the quality of support they receive, and ultimately into upskilling of this target through their participation in formal and informal education.

The Project envisages examining the pre-existing adult educational solutions developed in partner countries, comparing them and proposing possible adaptations. An innovative element that will be implemented when developing the new support model is the role of an education broker. According to the definition, an educational broker is an advisor who deals with selection of educational services best suited to the needs and capabilities of a target learner. He/she serves as an intermediary between the individual learner and the training market; and in consultation with him/her proposes the direction, type and level of training that fits best the his/her profile, taking into account the certification levels, training costs and individual psycho-physical and economic capabilities.


  • Research at national level in all partner countries on adult education systems;
  • Development and pilot testing of training package;
  • Reporting of lessons learned;
  • 2 international conferences in Poland.