GeNeus – Gender Neutral Tools and Tests for Selection Processes

The project

GeNeus – Gender Neutral Tools and Tests for Selection Processes

Project Number


01/09/2017 - 31/11/2019

Funding institution

Erasmus+; KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for Vocational and Educational Training


Info & contacts

Social Media

Description of the project

GeNeus is an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnerships for Vocational and Educational Training) project, which aims at improving women’s accessibility to higher education and the labor market through the development of gender neutral tools and tests for selection processes.

The need for tackling gendered discrimination in selection processes stems from the observation that most of the tests and evaluations carried out by Universities, employment agencies, schools and so are based on parameters such as mathematical skills, thus favouring male applicants. The latest neuropsychological science research proves, in fact, that women have different intellectual strengths, such as planning of actions, social competences, conflict solving, which don’t seem to be taken into account when a test or an evaluation is developed.

With the precious contributions of professionals and experts from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Post-Secondary Professional Education (PSPE) and the Public Administration (PA), GeNeus will develop, promote and mainstream a set of gender neutral selection tools and tests, in order to contribute to the reduction of the barriers preventing women from entering the workforce.


  • Research and comparison of information on testing systems in use and national contexts across the partnership;
  • Development of gender neutral testing matrices;
  • Development of a set of application guides for SMEs, PSPE and PAs to make use of the gender neutral matrices of selection tests;
  • Mainstreaming of the matrices and guides for SMEs, PSPE and PAs to access and employ them.

