description of the project
The main aim of the IMPACTS project is to promote the opportunities for disabled athletes to become coaches and trainers. The resulting impact would be for disabled coaches to become good role models for disabled people and encourage participation in sport, thus increasing participation.
The IMPACTS project aims to successfully mainstream disabled athletes and to empower them to take up a training/coaching career after their active sports life. They have the actual knowledge regarding the disabled target group and they can be a perfect role model for potential disabled athletes. They are also in the position to improve the image of disabled athletes and coaches.
- Research on training and teaching methods and systems in the partner countries for disabled athletes.
- Development of a comparative framework for strengths and weaknesses of training and teaching methods for disabled athletes.
- Development of an EQVET based competence library for training and teaching by disabled athletes.
- Exchange and testing of training and teaching practices for disabled athletes.
- Development of Networks of training institutes, sport institutes and disabled (professional) athletes.
- Literature review reports, Comparative framework.
- Training Needs Analysis survey, Gap Analysis Report of disabled athletes and potential disabled trainers/coaches.
- Good Practice booklet: Methods to improve career opportunities in coaching and training for disabled athletes.
- Dissemination events and workshops to share best practice, raise awareness, gather feedback.
- Coordinatore: EURICON (Paesi Bassi)
- SPGN Stichting Promotie Gehandicaptensport Nederland (Paesi Bassi)
- SPON Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom Niepełnosprawnym (Polonia)
- MEH – Merseyside Expanding Horizons (Regno Unito)
- Hacettepe University Faculty of Sport Sciences (Turchia)
- CSC – Centro Per Lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” (Italia)