NEw CHapter – NEtwork of Cooperation against Hate

The project

NEw CHapter – NEtwork of Cooperation against Hate

Project Number


01/09/2017- 30/11/2018   

Funding institution

National Agency (Greece) Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for youth


Info & contacts

Social Media

Description of the project

“NEw CHapter: Network of Cooperation against Hate” is a 15-month and 4-country (Greece, Italy, Denmark and UK) project that aims to provide space and support for cross sectoral cooperation of organizations and institutions that work with young people in formal/non formal education on combating hate speech and promote human rights education (HRE).

More specifically, NEw CHapter will bring together Youth NGOs, an international network, 2 schools, a counseling body and a municipality in order to strengthen their capacities in international cooperation and develop competences on identifying and combating the different forms of hate speech and discrimination and promote the human rights education.


  • To encourage and strengthen transnational cooperation among the participating organizations and support their staff’s capacity building on how to tackle hate speech, bullying and discrimination through joint training with the use of non formal and formal education methodologies.
  • To explore and share experiences, tools and methods among the partners in order for both direct participants and institutions to get new insights and knowledge on HRE, and gain social, intercultural, critical thinking competences for a more inclusive education, training and youth field.
  • To create a cross sectoral sustainable network of inclusion ambassadors that will spread the ideas of “No Hate Speech Movement” on organizational and community levels through local and online activities to reach a wider audience supporting the promotion of inclusive and peaceful societies.
  • To generate synergies and partnerships between the participating organizations and support the exchange of effective methods, opportunities and challenges in local and European youth work in reaching out to marginalized young people and in preventing racism and intolerance among local youth.


  • Short-term joint staff training events.
  • Local activities.


  • Intangible results such as: participants’ increased knowledge, capacities and skills development on the themes of the project, creation of cross-sectoral network of inclusion multipliers, bridging of public-private sector with the creation of partnerships between stakeholders of youth work, education and local authorities.
  • a handbook of cross-sectoral good practices against hate speech, discrimination, violence among youth and an open-learning platform, which will be accessible from public.
  • An open-learning platform.