The project


Project Number


01/10/2022 – 30/09/2024

Funding institution

Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation partnerships in Adult Education


Info & contacts


Social Media

Description of the project:

In recent years, in all European schools the number of students from different parts of the world has increased. In fact, the classrooms are progressively populated by immigrant and refugee students of various ethnic-cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds.

Although, most migrant/refugee parents are highly motivated to support their children’s academic success, they often face both linguistic and cultural obstacles along this path. Some international researches have shown that the performance gap between students with and without a migrant background is very high also due to the difficulties experienced by migrant/refugee parents in supporting their children at school. Parental involvement is essential for pupils to succeed in school. It has a positive impact on the continuation of education and leads to a reduction in school dropout rate.

For all the reasons above, the “P2T COMMUNITY – Parent involvement of migrant children” will contribute to the insertion and inclusion of migrant/refugee parents within the school context. Kindergarten and Primary school can become new doorways onto integration, places in which to exercise one’s knowledge of the language, exchanging views with teachers and other parents.

Therefore, the project aims to improve the skills of these parents, allowing them to better support the learning process of their children and to collaborate effectively with school staff to integrate into the local community. Furthermore, P2T COMMUNITY aims to train schoolteachers, increasing their skills in the relational and intercultural field, organizing live meetings and providing them with tools and trainings on how to interact and communicate better with migrant/refugee parents. 


  • Research and analysis of local, national and European policies on the involvement and inclusion of parents with a migration background.
  • Interviews with school sector experts.
  • Focus groups and round table with teachers from the 5 partner countries.
  • Creative workshops with migrant/refugee parents.
  • Manual containing all the activities and methodologies tested during the workshops.
  • Events for the disseminating the project locally and internationally.


  • Report containing the best practices identified in the educational field at local and international level on: a) involvement of parents with migratory background in early childhood and Primary schools in the participating countries; b) national, regional and local policies, practices and initiatives on their school inclusion.
  • Methodological Manual on the activities carried out in the workshops and the good practices collected during implementation in order to allow the replication of these activities in the long term.
  • Community of practice – online platform containing materials, resources and best practices collected during the project. A virtual space that will allow the network created to strengthen its expertise, drawing inspiration from implementation in each local community involved.
  • 75 migrant/refugee parents will acquire new and useful information about the national school system, thus being able to better support the learning path of their children and strengthening their language and digital skills.
  • Children of migrant/refugee parents will indirectly receive the benefits of the project through an intergenerational impact.
  • More than 20 organizations and 50 parents and education experts will participate in the Community of Practice and will be involved in the local network created in each partner country.
  • 5 events to promote local and international activities will be organized in all 5 partner countries. 200 people will be reached throughout the partnership.
