Parco Giochi delle Scienze

The project

Parco Giochi delle Scienze

Project Number


13/10/2014 – 12/03/2016

Funding institution

Co-funded by Fondazione CON IL SUD  Education for Youth, 2013 - intervention against early school leaving.


Info & contacts

Social Media

description of the project

The aim of the project is to provide teachers and students with the necessary tools to recreate interactive spaces in the classroom, dedicated to representing natural and scientific phenomena using easy-to-find materials.

The Interactive Museum and the Science Playground will be “active and permanent” displays focused on seven specific themes: Astronomy, Waves, Geology, Perception, Electricity and Magnetism, Light and Colours, and Mechanics. Technical-scientific learning activities will be structured around these themes, targeted at familiarising teachers and students with a new way of viewing natural and scientific phenomena. This will assist them to better understand the connection between everyday experiences and the universal laws of nature.


Creating areas for the Interactive Museum and the Science Playground will be combined with an intensive training activity targeted at teachers, students and their families. The training, closely linked to the project activities, will be based on the principles of active participation and the hands on approach which drives the work of the Science Centres. The participants of the project will thus obtain practical experiences that are drawn from the concepts and the ways of interacting with the exhibits displayed at the Museum and the Playground.


  • Garden of Tore the Inventor
  • Museum of Tore the Inventor

Various interactive exhibits, divided into seven different scientific themes: Astronomy, Waves, Geology, Perception, Electricity, Light and Colours, Mechanics.

Partners (Italy):