Description of the project
The project aims to improve the quality of human rights education programs through investigation and analysis of different experiences of the partners’ countries. The main objective is to analyze and share the different experiences in human rights education. The partners have the goal of identifying approaches and methods of education in this field and promoting transferability and application in other geographical areas as well as at a European level.
- Analysis of different educational methodologies on human rights in each partner country
- Identification of criteria for transferability of innovative practices
- Sharing of new knowledge, skills and attitudes in human rights education aimed at adults
- Publication of a 10 points catalog of human rights education
- Project coordinator: Verein Niedersachsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V., Germany
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, Italy
- INTEVAL LIMITED, Great Britain
- Slovak Refugee Council, Slovakia
- VIFIN – Videnscenter for Integration, Denmark