Employment and Employability

JEC – Training of Emotional Intelligence in job clubs to improve the employability of unemployed adults

JEC – Training of Emotional Intelligence in job clubs to improve the employability of unemployed adults

The main objective of the “JOB EMOTIONS CLUB” project is to improve the employability of unemployed adults who are seeking to re-join the labor market by developing a methodology that allows these people to participate actively in a job club where they can acquire skills social networks linked to Emotional Intelligence that contribute to further enhance their employment opportunities.

EG – Europe Growing

EG – Europe Growing

Description of the project The projects aims to promote entrepreneurship through Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme (EYE) scheme and its related events, with a special focus on but not limited to the fields of manufacturing and industrial innovations as well as...

JEC – Training of Emotional Intelligence in job clubs to improve the employability of unemployed adults

JEC – Training of Emotional Intelligence in job clubs to improve the employability of unemployed adults

The main objective of the “JOB EMOTIONS CLUB” project is to improve the employability of unemployed adults who are seeking to re-join the labor market by developing a methodology that allows these people to participate actively in a job club where they can acquire skills social networks linked to Emotional Intelligence that contribute to further enhance their employment opportunities.

EG – Europe Growing

EG – Europe Growing

Description of the project The projects aims to promote entrepreneurship through Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme (EYE) scheme and its related events, with a special focus on but not limited to the fields of manufacturing and industrial innovations as well as...