The new resistance radio

The new resistance radio

Franco Alasia and Pino Lombardo remember: “At the nightfall of the 25th of March 1970, roughly at 7.00 p.m., we were starting from the Centre of Studies and Initiatives base the transmissions of Radio Libera, the “new resistance radio”, the first illegal Italian radio ever since the end of the Second World War. We were able to denounce, thanks to it, more than two years away from the earthquake of January 1968, the failure of the Italian government regarding the reconstruction of the destroyed areas; even since September 1968 the Centre had elaborate a ‘plan for the city-territory development’: but it had never been taken into consideration by the authorities, despite the interest, participation and involvement of people such as Carlo Levi, Ernesto Treccani and Bruno Zevi together with the population.”

The programme, that had a total duration of roughly 4 hours, consisted in:

  • An appeal to the national and international public opinion; (19’)
  • Voices from the Valle del Belice, Jato and Carboi people (children, women, farmers, mayors, trade unionists, doctors, educators); (75’)
  • The exact point of the situation regarding the missing reconstruction: serious defaults and responsibilities were shown; (25’)
  • Western Sicily cultural values expressions that should not have been allowed to die out (voices of the ‘poor souls’ gathered in the poem ‘Il limone lunare’, with original music for recorder from Alessandro Scarlatti.); (60’)
  • Some sympathy messages coming from all over the world and a popular song with verses from Ignazio Buttitta. (15’)

“Today – says Pino – to denounce through a radio the government defaults and people’s needs isn’t illegal anymore, you don’t risk to end up in jail: through a maieutic relation, an analysis and auto-analysis popular project, people can be given the opportunity to talk to express their needs, claim for their rights, pushing together towards a world of piece.”

It seems important to us, together with the significant 35th anniversary and the improvement of our commitment in suggesting again the modalities and the initiatives of Danilo Dolci and his collaborators, to catch the actuality and the emergency of the plurality of the information issue: today, especially, regarding the younger people.

Amico Dolci

Valli Belice

Belice, Carboi and Jato valleys democratic development plan, publically presented by the Centro studi in september 1968




Here speak the poor souls of western Sicily, through the new resistance radio.



Sicilian people, Italian people, men from all over the world, listen: a huge, absurd crime is being committed: a whole population is left to its sad destiny.

The population of Valle del Belice, Jato and Carboi, the population of western Sicily doesn’t want to die.

…. worn your friends and neighbourhoods immediately: listen to the poor Christ’s voice that doesn’t want to die, listen to the voice of people suffering absurdly.

…. we cannot allow this crime to be committed: shacks can’t last out, people can’t live into shacks, people can’t live with shacks only

The Italian State wasted billions of money in hospitalizations out of time, confusingly: by now the whole area could have been already reconstructed with real homes, streets, schools, hospitals.

There are capable hands, there are men willing to work, there are open minds willing to turn the lagers of the areas in a new city, alive in the country and provided with the necessary facilities, to guarantee a new life…..

Men in the government: you are allowing the children, the women, the old people and a whole population to die. Aren’t you ashamed because you are not guaranteeing immediately homes, jobs, schools, new social and economic structures to a population suffering absurdly? If you wanted to, a new, civil, alive city could be built in a few months.

… you could die because of bureaucracy. The poor souls go to work everyday at 4 a.m.. Barrages, deforestations, homes, schools, farms, streets are needed now….

S. O. S.

S. O. S.

We are dying here.

We are dying here because we are wallowing in idle chatter, ignorance. Freeloaders, liars, cheats, deceitful people are still alive: in the meanwhile poor people are dying….

S. O. S.

S. O. S.