Conversazioni con Danilo Dolci in bookstores again


ConversazioniMesogea editore, Messina 2013

When Giacinto Spagnoletti, well known literatus, went to Sicily in December 1975 to meet Danilo Dolci and his colleagues of the Centro Studi e Iniziative of Partinico, «he had not the exact idea of creating a book, but recording some conversations» and collecting documents.


But, those recorded conversations would have become a book.  An important book for two fundamental reasons: because Spagnoletti chose to let «this series of interviews be itself the filter for a direct knowledge of the character and his ideas» and because, even many years after the first edition,  “Conversazioni” remains not a summary of Danilo Dolci’s experiences, but «a tool rather than an “author work” […] available for everyone who strives to undertake such liberation paths ».

Published for the first time by Mondadori publishing house in 1977, the book is proposed again by Mesogea publishing house of Messina.