Reciprocal maieutic in adults education

The following text is the logbook of a long and thorough study. It presents the findings of an intense two-year exchange regarding the use and application of the reciprocal maieutic approach in adult education through the EDDILI- To educate is to make possibile the discovery of life european project.

The project involved the representatives, coordinators, adult educators and adult learners of seven partner organisations from different european countries. The results and indications that came to light through the maieutic workshops have been summarised in the manual in order for them to become fresh starting points.

This manual is particularily aimed at adults working in the field of training for future educators. It can however be used for any kind of project aimed at adult learners and young people in general. It is a useful reference tool for educators, teachers, social workers and staff of organisations that offer both formal and non-formal training opportunities, as well as those in non-profit, social enterprise and health fields.