[English] La maieutica come strumento di crescita civile

Mar 30, 2012Reciprocal Maieutic Approach

The Centre for Creative Development Danilo Dolci is an institution accredited to the National Office for Community Service, and it gives the chance to young people aged 18 to 28 with Italian nationality, to live an experience of personal and professional growth contributing to the development of communities in several fields.

The National Community Service is aimed at:

  • Contributing, as an alternative to compulsory military service, to the defence of the Country with non-military means and activities;
  • Promoting the fulfilment of the constitutional principles of social solidarity;
  • Promoting solidarity and cooperation, both at national and international level, with particular regard to the protection of social rights, to personal services and to the education for the piece among the peoples.
  • Participating to the safeguard and protection of the National heritage, especially regarding the environmental sector in terms of agriculture in the mountain area, agro forestry, historical-artistic, cultural and civil protection sector;
  • Contributing to the civic, social, cultural and professional education of the youth through activities performed also in foreign entities and administrations.

The civic participation through volunteering and associations of social development is one of the most important feature of the history of our country. This participation, that is shown every day and becomes impressive in the emergencies of the national history, has deep secular roots and is based on the religious and laic values of solidarity, equality, social justice and direct participation.

In this contest the National Community Service constitutes a way of participation that includes the principles of solidarity, country defence and personal development.