[English] YALIM – Youth Active Learning In Moving

Jan 16, 2013Volunteering

This bilateral project is developed in 2 NGOs, Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci and Merseyside Expanding Horizons, in which the two youth workers have had a strong and fruitful working relationship, thanks to the previous collaboration experiences.

The project aims at contributing to the personal and professional growth of the youth workers, in particular to their consciousness about active citizenship related issues, both at local and EU Level, along with their awareness towards non -formal education in youth work, with the purpose of consolidating their abilities and competences, so as to be used in their future work paths.

Moreover it works toward enriching the NGOs involved as both sending and hosting organizations, in fact, thanks to their participation,  they would enrich and reinforce their “know how” and working tools / methods in the youth work field and in the promotion of active citizenship among youngsters.

Finally, this project has in view to reach the local communities, especially of young people, so as to promote the mobility opportunities offered by EU Programme Youth in Action, besides reinforce their spirit of active citizens.

Programme: Youth in Action Programme, Sub-Action 4.3 – Support to Youth Workers’ Mobility

 Date of the project: 1/02/2013 – 31/01/2014


  • to give youth workers the opportunity to experience a different working reality in another country;
  • to gain a better understanding of the European dimension of youth work;
  • to improve youth workers’ professional, intercultural and language competences;
  • to promote the exchange of experiences and approaches to youth work and non-formal education in Europe;
  • to contribute to develop stronger and better quality partnerships between youth organizations across Europe;
  • to strengthen the quality and the role of youth work in Europe.


  • to plan and participate in activities carried out by hosting organization at local level;
  • to collaborate and participate in projects implemented at EU level;
  • to promote youth mobility opportunities amongst young people at local level;
  • to implement workshops/laboratories involving young people with fewer opportunities;
  • to disseminate the results of the project, as well as the learning experience, once youth workers have come back.

Project results:

  • reinforced partnership among the 2 partners;
  • improved self-esteem in both the youth workers;
  • acquisition of knowledge, “know how” , innovative non- formal education methods for youth workers and partners;
  • local communities: awareness towards EU values/objectives and knowledge about mobility opportunities promoted by Youth in Action Programme.

Tangible results:

1 DVD with the collection of best practices used in both partner organizations for:

  • promotion of youth active citizenship and self-esteem;
  • EU projects management and development.



Amico Dolci, presidente@danilodolci.org


YALIM final product is available for download YALIM Best Practices in Youth field Project Managment