This project, co-funded by the Youth in Action Program, was created to encourage young people to reflect on meanings and perceptions of democracy in a “multicultural society” context. The project also received support from the City of Palermo, through the Department of Youth Policies.
In a society like ours it is necessary to sensitize its’ members to the concepts of equality and equal opportunities, in a perspective of diversity as a stimulus for growth of democracy.
The project, as well as encouraging local youth to participate in democratic life, aims to promote different types of active participation of young immigrants.
In this project, the involvement of institutional representatives will provide moments of reflection and clarification on how to increase youth participation in general and of young immigrants in particular in the sphere of democratic life. Indeed, some forms of discrimination, under a principle of equal dignity and opportunities, relate in general to any form of discrimination based on age, ethnicity, faith, that denies on principle the rights that are guaranteed to others, especially in the fields of work and justice, to a category of people.
Program: Youth in Action, action 1.3
Project duration: 23/03/2009 – 29/03/2009
- Encouraging greater youth participation in democratic life.
- Increasing participation of young immigrants in democratic life.
- Stimulating reflection and discussion on how young people conceive democracy in a society with high presence of immigrants.
- Educating young people about the concepts of equality and equal opportunities
- Finding a way in which NGOs and institutional representatives can contribute to giving space to young immigrants within our democracy.
- Group building
- Maieutic workshops
- Small group work
- Film screenings
- Artistic creations
- Talk show with institutional representatives
- Meeting with the Deputy Mayor for Youth at the Palazzo delle Aquile
- Creation of logos and slogans to involve young people
- Debates
- Intercultural evening
- Project coordinator: Centro per lo sviluppo creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)
- Pistes Solidaires (France)
- Positive Mind Association (Latvia)
- Civic Values Foundation (Bulgaria)
- S&G System and Generation Association (Turkey)
Project details: ****
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci: