[English] Intercult-rural

Mar 30, 2012Youth empowerment

This project, co-funded by the Youth in Action Foundation and the Bank of Sicily, was created in order to promote awareness among young people of the importance of their role in processes of change and improvement of their communities. The idea came from analysis of the lack of youth participation in social dynamics, from field research conducted for a master’s dissertation. The sharing of data collected from this research among members of the promoting association fueled the idea of writing this project, in order to make a real contribution to the achievement of important goals in this direction.

The intercultural exchange project was realized in Petralia Soprana from the 14th to the 21st of July 2008 and was designed for young people from different partner countries: Italy, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Malta and France.

 Program: Youth in Action, Action 1.1

Project duration: 14/07/2008 – 21/07/2008


  • Encouraging young people to active citizenship and valorization of resources of the places of origin and heritage connected to them (history, traditions, art, nature …). To achieve these objectives they must rediscover and reevaluate themselves as persons able to influence civil and social conditions.
  • The promotion of the meeting and exchange of ideas between young people from different European countries on the subjects indicated, encouraging participation and development of their own community and its territory;
  • Encouraging participants to seek out and compare themselves with young people of other origins (promotion of interculturality) in an attitude of “exchange” and mutual enrichment related to the chosen topics, in a way that can be prolonged beyond the period of the exchange.

Project details

Online project videos:


Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci: presidente@danilodolci.org