In the period of 9th – 17th of May 2015 the “Creativity And Reuse for Empowerment – CARE” Training Course will bring together 30 youth workers, youth advisers, project leaders, social artists working with young people from 14 EU countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, Slovenia, Latvia, Romania, Belgium, France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Cyprus and Italy.
This 8-day-long Training Course – funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 1, Mobility project for youth workers– is based on the themes of sustainable development, creativity, reuse and recycling. CARE aims to enhance the sense of inventiveness and entrepreneurship of participants, and address the question of building an active and inclusive society. The CARE’s team believes in the potential of youth work towards stimulating empowerment, as young people can be the best promoters of creative projects involving youngsters in social life of local communities.
During CARE, participants will be involved in a great variety of activities, ranging from sessions on social exclusion/inclusion to artistic workshops, from activities based on Reciprocal Maieutical Approach to manufactories on creative reuse and recycling. It is interesting to point that all the hand-made products will be produced from materials, brought by participants from their countries, and objects donated by the local community. Participants will also discover the best practices of local creative reuse experiences. Afterwards, inspired by those activities and equipped with new knowledge and skills, participants will give their valuable contributions to the social development of their local environments.
More so than, CARE’s team is pleased to invite you to participate in the Intercultural evenings on May 11th and 12th. Those events will take place at Convento di Baida, in Via al Convento di Baida,43. You will have an excellent opportunity to discover traditions and customs of variety of EU countries, learn about their music and dances, taste traditional dishes and beverages, as well as establish personal and professional contacts with CARE’s participants.
Looking forward to see you in Baida!
To learn more about the project, please contact Anastasiia Doroshenko at:
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