Create your own ICT-project in 40 hours guided by an expert. Participation is free!
What did we learn during the lock down? That digital skills are necessary! Think about it: students, employees and citizens needed to be able to access their studies, work or services online. And not only for this, in the future, 90% of jobs will require digital skills in jobs that do not exist yet! The COVID-19 situation had taught us that Italy is far behind when it comes to digital skills and therefore the E-DESIGN project offers free ICT courses.
So what are you waiting for? Time improve your digital skills and subscribe to the free ICT course of the E-DESIGN project!
After the success of the first course, a second round of courses will start in September. Through the course you will develop technical skills in coding of Arduino and web development coding languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The activities of the course will also allow you to increase your skills in creative thinking, problem solving, teamwork and design thinking, skills that are extremely important for any job in the future.
The course is organized by the Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci in collaboration with Booq ( while using the space and materials of IDEAS BOX, a multifunctional space open to young people that will allow to implement the activities with suitable technological tools.
The course is open to everyone but we encourage to participate especially unemployed people and women, who can be Italian but also from other countries, who want to enter a world of work that is constantly changing! Due to the COVID-19 security requirements, places will be limited in order to guarantee the distance.
At the end of the course you will receive a certificate in which the skills acquired will be certified.
- When: September – November 2020. There are two available timeslots (course is identical)
- Option 1: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, from 15:30 – 18:00, starting on the 22nd of September until the 5th of November (twice a week)
- Option 2: Monday and Wednesday morning, from 9:30 -13:00, starting on the 28th of September until the 9th of November (twice a week)
- Duration and frequency of activities: 2 times a week for 7 weeks. Each session will last 3.5 hours
- Where: Booq biblioteca at the Kalsa (City centre of Palermo)
- How to register: fill in the following registration form:
- Costs: The course is free but places are limited.
- Deadline for registration: 15th of September 2020
- Further information: or write an mail to
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