FABLAB SCHOOLS EU STARTS: a pedagogical approach for the FabLab technology in schools

Jan 9, 2017Tecnologie della comunicazione

Vejle (Denmark) CSC Danilo Dolci team has recently participated in the kick-off meeting of the project Fablab Schools EU -Towards Digital Smart, Entrepreneurial and Innovative People  that took place on the 30th November – 1st December 2016. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme: KA2 –  Strategic Partnerships for school education.

The project aims to develop common methodological principles for digital fabrication education across Europe. This new technology that includes programming tools such as 3D programming, 3D printers, lasers cutters presents a pressing need to boost the new generation’s creativity, productivity and entrepreneurial spirit.

FabLab EU partnership consists of 5 organizations from 4 EU countries with varied expertise, among which CSC Danilo Dolci. The other partners are: Municipality of Vejle (Coordinator, from Denmark), Aarhus University (Denmark), LABORAL (Spain), Vereniging Ons Middelbar Onderwijs (The Netherlands).

The partnership demonstrates a strategic mix of competences in EU projects, school education, teachers’ training on educational digital fabrication, art, and creativity.

During this meeting hosted by the Municipality of Vejle, all partners have the chance to go through major points of the project, both technical or administrative ones. The high note of the event is the study visit to the Fablab Laboratory at Spinderihllerne and two Fablab schools for elementary and lower-secondary students in town.

The activities in which the partners will be involved in the next months are:

  • Development of methodological principles for educational digital fabrication
  • Collection of good practices in educational digital fabrication
  • Testing of methods in schools, training for teachers and class-twinning.
  • Production of manual and policy recommendations.
  • Study visit and exchange of good practices among teachers involved by the project.

The next transnational meeting will be held in Gijon (Spain) next October,  while the first 5-day- study visit for teachers is supposed to take place already in early spring  2017 in Vejle.

The Fablab project lasts 24 months onto October 2018.

For further information please contact  Trang Dang: trang.dang@danilodolci.org