Voices from Partinico to illustrate the problems of the victims of the earthquake … Two of Danilo Dolci collaborators, Franco Alasia and Pino Lombardo, barricaded themselves into Centro Studi e Iniziative premises; they have a quite powerful radio with which they...
Fahrenheit – Re-publishing Danilo Dolci’s works
Is it useful nowadays to read or re-read Danilo Dolci’s works? Why do people feel the need to get inspired by his non-violent philosophy and actions? Loredana Lipperini has talked about it with Giuseppe Barone and Giuseppe Dicevi during Radio3 RAI...
Three ways to be an educator: Danilo Dolci, Alberto Manzi, Don Milani
On March 3rd 2014 Radio Tre RAI has devoted its programme MemoRadio to collaborative didactics by comparing three different ways of being an educator and therefore remembering Danilo Dolci, Alberto Manzi and Don Lorenzo Milani. In the following extract you can...
Uomini e Profeti (Of Men and Prophets): Sicily, Land of Peace
Since his arrival in Sicily in 1952 and until his death in 1997, Danilo Dolci had been carrying out in Sicily his educational approach based on non-violent practices, such as fasting, public denunciations against mafia and patronage system, “strikes in reverse”,...
A poet of education – Danilo Dolci for Wikiradio on Radio 3
Pieces of Danilo Dolci’s interviews (1977 Swiss tv) and a report of Archivio Luce (taken from Danilo Dolci’s documentary “Memory and Utopia”, directed by Alberto Castiglione). Passages from the Radio Libera Partinico transmission, the first Italian illegal broadcaster...
Struttura Maieutica Reciproca ed etica della complessitàMaieutical Reciprocal Structure of the Ethic of Complexity
L’obiettivo che ho cercato di raggiungere per la stesura della mia tesi di laurea è stata la presentazione dell’ultimo aspetto del pensiero e dell’opera di Danilo nella sua convergenza con la Scienza della Complessità, argomento purtroppo quasi del tutto conosciuto...
Un cortometraggio su Danilo realizzato dai bambini di MirtoA short film about Danilo made by Mirto’s children
Inizia con le immagini della vecchia strada che porta al mulino e quindi alla scuola di Mirto, il cortometraggio sulla vita di Danilo Dolci realizzato dagli alunni delle classi quinte. Il cortometraggio, dal titolo “Tra i mandorli…” (omaggio al luogo in cui fu...
Annotations to the communication subject in Danilo Dolci and in Paulo Freire
Note sul tema della “comunicazione” in Danilo Dolci e in Paulo Freire di Giovanni Battaglini Freire, intervenendo nel dibattito promosso da Dolci con la “Bozza di Manifesto - dal trasmettere al comunicare”, si dichiara d’accordo con le tesi esposte : la...
Rai Radio 3 speaks about Danilo Dolci
On Saturday the 15th, Sunday the 16th, Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th of January a cycle of episodes about Danilo Dolci will be broadcast as part of the “Passioni” program, edited by Cettina Flaccavento. The “Passioni” cycle, entitled “Danilo Dolci – a Choral...
SOS – We are dying here
Voices from Partinico to illustrate the problems of the victims of the earthquake … Two of Danilo Dolci collaborators, Franco Alasia and Pino Lombardo, barricaded themselves into Centro Studi e Iniziative premises; they have a quite powerful radio with which they...
Fahrenheit – Re-publishing Danilo Dolci’s works
Is it useful nowadays to read or re-read Danilo Dolci’s works? Why do people feel the need to get inspired by his non-violent philosophy and actions? Loredana Lipperini has talked about it with Giuseppe Barone and Giuseppe Dicevi during Radio3 RAI...
Three ways to be an educator: Danilo Dolci, Alberto Manzi, Don Milani
On March 3rd 2014 Radio Tre RAI has devoted its programme MemoRadio to collaborative didactics by comparing three different ways of being an educator and therefore remembering Danilo Dolci, Alberto Manzi and Don Lorenzo Milani. In the following extract you can...
Uomini e Profeti (Of Men and Prophets): Sicily, Land of Peace
Since his arrival in Sicily in 1952 and until his death in 1997, Danilo Dolci had been carrying out in Sicily his educational approach based on non-violent practices, such as fasting, public denunciations against mafia and patronage system, “strikes in reverse”,...
A poet of education – Danilo Dolci for Wikiradio on Radio 3
Pieces of Danilo Dolci’s interviews (1977 Swiss tv) and a report of Archivio Luce (taken from Danilo Dolci’s documentary “Memory and Utopia”, directed by Alberto Castiglione). Passages from the Radio Libera Partinico transmission, the first Italian illegal broadcaster...
Struttura Maieutica Reciproca ed etica della complessitàMaieutical Reciprocal Structure of the Ethic of Complexity
L’obiettivo che ho cercato di raggiungere per la stesura della mia tesi di laurea è stata la presentazione dell’ultimo aspetto del pensiero e dell’opera di Danilo nella sua convergenza con la Scienza della Complessità, argomento purtroppo quasi del tutto conosciuto...
Un cortometraggio su Danilo realizzato dai bambini di MirtoA short film about Danilo made by Mirto’s children
Inizia con le immagini della vecchia strada che porta al mulino e quindi alla scuola di Mirto, il cortometraggio sulla vita di Danilo Dolci realizzato dagli alunni delle classi quinte. Il cortometraggio, dal titolo “Tra i mandorli…” (omaggio al luogo in cui fu...
Annotations to the communication subject in Danilo Dolci and in Paulo Freire
Note sul tema della “comunicazione” in Danilo Dolci e in Paulo Freire di Giovanni Battaglini Freire, intervenendo nel dibattito promosso da Dolci con la “Bozza di Manifesto - dal trasmettere al comunicare”, si dichiara d’accordo con le tesi esposte : la...
Rai Radio 3 speaks about Danilo Dolci
On Saturday the 15th, Sunday the 16th, Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th of January a cycle of episodes about Danilo Dolci will be broadcast as part of the “Passioni” program, edited by Cettina Flaccavento. The “Passioni” cycle, entitled “Danilo Dolci – a Choral...