2[English] Culturitalian: the art of learning Italian through cultural diversity

Dec 7, 2010Integration and inclusion

Leonardo - Uomo vitruviano

Culturitalian: the art of learning Italian through the cultural diversity

Dear participant,

Please send the application form attached together with your CV, to:


by the 31st January 2011.

Below the information about the workshop:

Venue: Palermo (PA)

Date of the Workshop: 09/06/2011 – 19/06/2011

Subject area: Foreign language teaching and learning, Intercultural education, NULL

Working language(s): EN

Target Group: adults over 30, gender balanced, coming from different social, cultural and economic backgrounds.

The Programme: the workshop will include diverse activities on Italian culture and language, intercultural workshops, interactive group building, intercultural, language games , cultural visits of the Sicily’s sights, movie projection, interview with the radio promoters; use of the creative, non formal methods; creating of the follow-up.

Main Objectives: our workshop will help the participants to learn the Italian language in a more non formal and creative way. The participants will also learn about the Italian culture and intercultural learning.

General conditions: ticket will be reimbursed 100%, participation, board and lodging are funded by European Union, participation is free for Italian applicants. But they will need to pay just the board and Lodging. If this is your case, please keep in touch with us and send an email to: fausto.amico@danilodolci.org

Programma LLP – Grundtvig – Workshop – Anno 2010/2011

Grundtvig Workshops are one of the new actions in the Grundtvig Programme which have been launched in 2009. The objective of this action is to enable adult learners to participate in Workshops (learning events and seminars) taking place in another European country participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme. This is a completely new form of mobility offered to adult learners in the Lifelong Learning Programme. The Grundtvig Workshops bring together individuals or small groups of learners from several countries for an innovative multinational learning experience relevant for their personal development and learning needs.

The Workshops are open to any adult citizen who is a national of or permanently residing (or registered as refugee or asylum-seeker) in one of the Programme countries, namely: the 27 Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway (EFTA-EEA countries) and Turkey (candidate country).


Learner application form Culturitalian
