Creative Reduce-Reuse-Recycle at the CARE Training Course

Jun 19, 2015News

care-csc (1)On the 17th of May 2015 the “Creativity And Reuse for Empowerment– CARE” Training Course came to its end, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 1, Mobility project for youth workers.

In the period from 09th till 17th of May 2015 CARE brought together 30 participants – youth workers, youth advisers, project leaders, social artists working with young people from 14 European countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, Slovenia, Latvia, Romania, Belgium, France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Cyprus and Italy.

During CARE, participants have followed the cohesive learning path designed by the experienced trainers. Participants took part in a variety of non-formal and informal sessions on the themes of sustainable development, creativity, reuse and recycle. Creativity was the basic component of all the sessions implemented, every working day was started with the creative awakening. 8 creative working days were composed of group-building and outdoor activities, Creative Thinking and artistic workshops, role-playing games, Open Space Technology, World Cafè, buzz groups, activities based on the Reciprocal Maieutical Approach etc.

Participants discovered local practices of creative reuse and local empowerment by visiting La Bottega di Libera Terra, Borgo Vecchio Factory and Borgo di Dio – the place where Danilo Dolci realized his activities during the first part of the 50s. Inspired by those visits and equipped with knowledge on how to apply creative thinking tools, participants were excited to produce recycled and reused objects. For creative workshops they have used materials, which they brought from their countries. The youth workers have created different kinds of plant pots, dresses and shoes for the beach, lampshade, swing, and other useful products. The list of materials, which you can use for creation of recycled and reused objects, and an instruction with the steps to follow, you will find in the Digital brochure, that will be soon available. More so than, participants have produced an informative and eye-catching video to raise a public’s awareness on the need of reuse and recycling!

During the TC, participants have received a wide range of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and intercultural competences. Equipped by those competences and inspired by creative and artistic workshops, participants are willing to develop youth projects, creative workshops and training courses in their countries. With many creative ideas on how to empower local communities by the means of creative reuse and recycling participants have developed CARE strategies. Trainers have informed participants and gave them advices on how to translate CARE strategies into reality with the help of Erasmus+ Programme.

Participation in the CARE TC is useful for participants’ personal and professional path. They have created Youthpass and European Portfolio for youth leaders and youth workers – certificates which give an added-value to participants’ CV.

For further information please contact Anastasiia Doroshenko at the

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