Description of the project
REACT project intend to develop and implement an innovative methodology for the enhancement of critical thinking (CT) skills acquisition, aimed at fostering inclusive education and the common values of tolerance and acceptance of diversity.
The new methodology involves the key actors of the educating communities: teachers, students and parents. The approach starts from the application of a set of laboratories based on the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA) for discovering and discussing the process that leads to the creation of intolerance and spreading of stereotypes.
The RMA will be enriched with some peculiar aspects of the Montessori’s experience, the application of the observation principle and the re-toughgt of the learning space.
- Developing a methodology and an RMA model.
- Training of RM laboratories coordinators.
- Informal network of educating communities.
- Pre-testing in selected schools.
- Piloting and testing in lower and upper middle schools.
- Analysis of the status quo and strategic perspectives for the development of RMA pathways in lower and upper middle schools
- National and European Biographic Report
- REACT Manual
- Guidelines for RMA laboratories
- Policy guidance for further sustainability and exploitation of REACT Model
- Policy Recommendations
- Coordinator: Fondazione Hallgarten – Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca (Italy)
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)
- Universidad San Jorge (Spain)
- Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education in Western Greece (Greece)
- Center for Educational Initiatives (Bulgaria)
- AGRAF (Germany)